Our mission is to help people to think for themselves. Sounds simple and yet there is so much that get’s in the way of this in the busyness of corporate life. The steady stream of competing priorities, fuzzy goals, distractions and assumptions sabotage our attempts to think well and to think for ourselves, in a pure sense, without any external influence. 

We provide the space to think about what matters

We use both coaching and Emergenetics® (our psychometric of choice) to create in-depth conversations that spark that high quality thinking in others. We want people to value their own thinking, to understand how truly unique they are, and to prize this as a real gift to themselves and the others around them. Our ability to create environments where good thinking is inevitable, allows teams to share diverse opinions and their unique strengths, and that’s the magic that supercharges what comes next.

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Our mission is to help people to think for themselves. Sounds simple and yet there is so much that get’s in the way of this in the busyness of corporate life. The steady stream of competing priorities, fuzzy goals, distractions and assumptions sabotage our attempts to think well and to think for ourselves, in a pure sense, without any external influence. 

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We provide the space to think about what matters

We use both coaching and Emergenetics® (our psychometric of choice) to create in-depth conversations that spark that high quality thinking in others. We want people to value their own thinking, to understand how truly unique they are, and to prize this as a real gift to themselves and the others around them. Our ability to create environments where good thinking is inevitable, allows teams to share diverse opinions and their unique strengths, and that’s the magic that supercharges what comes next.


About Time to Think Coaching®

When working with a Time to Think Coach®, you’ll experience a Thinking Environment® that will allow you to untangle your thinking. We help you to get crystal clear about what you think, how you think, and why you think. We don’t force our thinking on you. We allow you to uncover what you really think before we ever contribute our own thoughts. 

People often work with us because they are facing a massive challenge, or something new, or they want to change something, improve or fix it. It’s not that they don’t know how, it’s more often the case that they haven’t thought about it properly and so remain stuck. That’s when we can help…


Coaching takes place in person, online or over the telephone, using a range of platforms according to your preference and available access. Typically, we begin with a minimum of 6 sessions, each lasting between 60 minutes to two hours depending on your needs and availability. 

You are responsible for deciding what to think about but we help you along with a Thinking About Thinking Prep Form that poses some questions that will enable you to think about what will be of most value to you in the coaching sessions. 

Our initial session is about getting to know each other, because the coaching relationship only works if we like and respect one another. We can agree exactly how we’ll work together, the duration and frequency of sessions, what’s on the agenda, what’s not and how we’ll share feedback and maintain confidentiality. Once that important conversation has happened, we can begin the coaching programme. 

Our clients are successful senior professionals in corporate settings. They lead specialist areas where they are considered to have expert knowledge and their contribution to decision making is vital. As well as having ambitious goals and objectives to achieve to create value for the organisation, they have to juggle that with responsibility for leading people and finding ways to achieve success through them.

Sound like you? Get in touch to have a preliminary discussion on how we may able to work together.


Bev shares how coaching works and the benefits of creating a Thinking Environment®


About Emergenetics®

Emergenetics® is a simple, clear and tool that draws on the best of psychometrics in a way that makes sense. Unlike some psychometrics that are rigid or create ambiguity, Emergenetics® separates out how we prefer to think and the way we behave.

Your personality is a powerful combination of your genetic strengths together with your life experiences. Emergenetics provides a distinct view into what really makes you tick. Through seven Attributes, it provides the blueprint to achieve greater self-awareness, enhance communication and build more productive workplaces. In doing so, it opens up a world of possibility, potential and opportunity. 


Emergenetics® is a powerful, yet easy-to-remember psychometric. It is supported by a Narrative Report that explains how each profile impacts on how individuals lead, communicate and collaborate.

Its uses are varied. As an individual we can offer a coaching approach split into 2 or more sessions – initially to explore the profile and its meaning, then to deepen understanding of thinking and behavioural preferences and the impact this has on communication and relationship building.

In teams, we offer a Meeting of the Minds session as a “powerful experience for any organisation seeking to strengthen communication, improve collaboration and build a positive workplace culture” (Emergenetics). The sessions allow the whole team to discover their unique profiles and then to work as a team to review what that could mean in terms of areas such as communication, conflict and creativity. These sessions can be run online (for up to 30 people) or face-to-face (for 10 to 50 people, or more in a conference style situation).  Follow up individual sessions can also be offered to provide space for reflection and deeper insight.

Everyone who receives a profile also gains access to the Emergenetics+ app and online portal. Here they can receive customised tips to strengthen communication and collaboration. The app also allows them to connect with others in the business to share and view profiles. 

Interested in Emergenetics® for you or your Team? Get in touch to have a preliminary discussion to find out more.


Kate talks about Emergentics® and how it can help you understand and function better.

The Team

In addition to the work we do, we work with a team of outstanding coaches that offer a wide range of approaches, styles and personalities to suit the needs of our clients. Below, you will find their profiles and what they offer. 


Jon Bartlett

Jon Bartlett

Image of Jon Bartlett

Jon says…”I love working with Kate and Bev as we espouse very similar values. I have a personal mantra “Seek knowledge and adventure, be open, kind and loyal“.

I love being curious and finding out what other people think and believe, what motivates and inspires them. I bring this to my work as a coach, aiming to see people as they truly are. I aim to be human by being open and kind to those around me. Above all, I love an adventure – whether that is a hike or working with a client.

Those moments of profound thought and consideration are what makes working as a coach so fulfilling.”


Jo Cotton

Jo says…”I love to work with individuals to truly explore what ‘be human‘ means for them and to help them ‘be curious‘ for themselves, to find solutions that perfectly match their uniqueness. 

I think boldness comes from our bravery daily, being the best versions of ourselves in work and life.

One of my favourite Nancy Kline quotes is, “… to take time to think is to gain time to live.”

Coaching conversations are time to slow down, think things through, switch off the autopilot and into broader thinking and more considered decision-making.”

Ariel Simpson

Ariel Simpson

Ariel Simpson

Ariel says… “I agree that being a coach means to help others “be endlessly curious“. As humans, none of us have all the pieces of the puzzle or see the world with absolute clarity.

We depend on each other to report what we see, feel and believe so we can assemble the puzzle and see the bigger picture.

This kind of curiosity overcomes our natural reactivity to feedback and inspires others to trust us and collaborate. Help your fellow humans by slowing down, asking questions, and being willing to acknowledge your inevitable mistakes.”

Alissa Twisk

Alissa Twisk

Alissa says… “In a world that is moving towards more AI and automation, understanding ourselves and our humanness is what will separate us from the pack.

How do we do this?  

By creating space be curious about ourselves, to  looking for patterns and reviewing what we’re up to or what we’re thinking.

This simple practice has powerful results as we go into the world with a better understanding of ourselves.

Katie Driver

Katie Driver

Katie Driver

Katie says: I love the interconnections between the Clear Thinking values. Being thoughtful helps us reflect, make sense of things, regather our stressed and scattered selves and work out what really matters.

It’s where I begin as it helps build the clarity and courage for bold actions. Understanding the strengths, knowledge and experiences that make us human help us craft fulfilling ways of doing those bold things and figure out how to bring out the best in other humans too.

And curiosity helps us approach it all with a sense of lightness and flexibility.

“Real help is different. Real help, professionally or personally, consists of listening to people, of paying respectful attention to people so that they can access their own ideas first.”

― Nancy Kline, Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind

Take part in our Peer Supervision Programme 

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How can we help?

Want to discuss how coaching or Emergenetics could help you or your Team?


My coaching time with Bev is invaluable to both myself and the business in which I operate. It allows me the space and time to think about things I didn’t even know I needed to think about! I love the lightbulb moments I get 40mins into a session on how to go about things differently, what I need to change, how I can tackle a problem, which I would never be able to do in an ordinary working day. It never fails to surprise me how a seemingly innocent question or prompt will enable me to think differently about a situation or challenge which results in an exciting solution. I always leave the sessions energised and with great clarity of thought on what I need to do next to build on my successes.