Emerging Leaders Southport

“Employees want to do what they are naturally good at and work on stimulating tasks. The ones that aren’t working on their natural strengths can quickly feel unfulfilled and tend to leave jobs 12 times faster.

Becoming part of the new Emerging Leaders Southport Programme is an opportunity for your business to invest in the future of your most talented employees, to help them discover their natural potential, increase their contribution and set them on a pathway to a leadership role within your organisation.

After more than 18 years of working with clients across the world, The Clear Thinking Partnership Ltd is thrilled to announce the launch of our Emerging Leaders Southport programme this Autumn.

📢We explain a little more why we love working close to home in the video message above….in case you’ve not watched it yet.

We’re inviting Southport businesses to recognise the potential in their most promising staff  by putting them forward for a place in the first cohort of Emerging Leaders, launching in November 2024, with a Graduation Celebration in September 2025. It’s a carefully curated series of in-person interactive workshops, aimed at equipping those that experience them with fresh ideas and approaches to try straight away. 

Cohort numbers are strictly limited to ensure that participants have the time and attention they need from the facilitators, to make the learning as personalised as possible, whilst allowing them to forge strong and lasting relationships, build trust and foster collaborative partnerships across the cohort.  

Who is this for?

This program is designed for businesses committed to unlocking the full potential of their people and driving growth.

If you’re looking to provide an environment where your team can explore new, more effective ways to communicate and bring those skills back to your business…

If you want to retain talented individuals who will continue to add value…

If you want to demonstrate that your people matter by supporting their growth, development, and the discovery of their untapped potential…

This program is for you.

An important note 

Tickets are £975.00 + VAT per person

We’re offering a discounted ticket price for businesses who are members of Southport BID of £780.00 + VAT per person

Tickets go on sale on October 1st. Register on our Waiting List now by pushing the green button below, and we’ll make sure you know the moment they go on sale!!!

The Emerging Leaders Programme highlights include: 

Six high impact leadership modules, delivered through day long, in-person workshops in a local venue. Each one answers a question that is key to high performance at work.

  1. How do self-awareness, confidence, and situational leadership contribute to effective performance?
  2. How can clear thinking ignite the potential of the human mind?
  3. How do I unlock my impact, by building my presence and authenticity?
  4. Why every conversation matters. The conversation ladder: Feedback, Coaching and Brave Conversations
  5. What conditions enable me to thrive throughout change and business evolution?
  6. What does it take to to lead everyday innovation and create growth?

PLUS Special features:

The programme includes a  psychometric analysis using the Emergenetics ™ tool, to deepen self awareness and understanding of others.

Mentor and Thinking Partner support throughout the programme to support personal growth and enhance implementation of learning.

24/7 access to a ‘secret’ online space where participants to continue the conversations that begin in the workshops.  

Business specific projects with real impact providing the opportunity to deliver a tangible benefits back to your business, quickly.

A Graduation Celebration event to mark the successful completion of the programme and the perfect networking opportunities for the businesses involved.

Why do we do what we do?

Bev says….. “I’m an encourager. I like to see that when people are held back by a thought or a feeling about something, that there is a way forwards for them, and they can think for themselves and find a different way.” 

What people say about working with us…

“Kate explains the concepts in a really engaging way and the activities promoting thinking and discussion. There is a wonderful tone and pitch to the sessions – peppered with just the right amount and depth of personal narrative and academic insight. She just gets it right.”

Senior Leader – South Tyneside Council Leadership Programme 2024 

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