Life is unconditional

Life is unconditional. The idea that we must conform to specific roles, expectations, or standards is largely a social construct.

From the moment we’re born, we’re surrounded by a framework of rules—some created for us, others by us. These rules dictate how we should live, what we should strive for, and who we should become.

But what if we took a step back and questioned the validity of these rules? What if, instead of blindly following them, we decided to test, break, or even rewrite them?

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced,” said Søren Kierkegaard.

Life doesn’t come with a rulebook that must be strictly adhered to. The essence of living is in experiencing it fully, with all its unpredictability and chaos.

By challenging the rules that govern our lives, we open ourselves up to the true, raw experience of living.

Consider the societal expectations that surround you. What would happen if you decided not to follow a particular rule? Would the world end? Or would you simply create a new path, one that aligns more closely with your true self?

Often, we cling to rules because they provide a sense of security and order, but this can come at the cost of our freedom and authenticity.

Now, ask yourself: What rules in my life are limiting me?

Are these rules truly necessary, or have they been imposed on me by others, or even by myself out of fear or habit?

When you begin to question these rules, you may find that many of them no longer serve you. In that moment, you gain the power to break free and rewrite your own narrative. Life is yours to define, on your own terms.

Back in May 2024, Bev and the magical Ricky Locke got together for a conversation. You can watch or listen below……

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